
Beyond refinement, Japan is a place of wonder and awe. Simultaneously being a lesson to humanity on dedication, authenticity, and excellence, while keeping one endlessly entertained in their surreal surroundings. A reality check as to the power of focus and simplicity.

If you are a pizza maker, you are the best pizza maker you can be. If you pack ceramics for shipping, you will be the best packer, putting an attention to detail on every bow that wraps each box. If you make sushi, well we already know it’s going to be amazing.

Land of Kimonos, endless lucky cat figurines. Onsens and steam baths, sushi boats, and Michelin stars. Nintendo and chopsticks. Matcha tea ceremonies, to owl cafes. Futuristic cities lined with neon lights, still orderly and free from chaos. Stunning nature next door, incredible contrast everywhere. Somehow lose your wallet or passport? Don’t worry, it will make its way back to you, with all of your cash still.

Japan has inspired the world, and certainly Phillip. He first spent two weeks alone wandering Japan during Sakura in 2018 and was instantly hooked. Described as a deep meditation, he zoomed in from the usual big picture image into the pure nature, the simple beauty of the bloom, following it and capturing life from Tokyo to Hiroshima.

From South to North with the new spring brings the Cherry Blossom.

Time stops, and for the Japanese, the cherry season or “Sakura” is a season to celebrate life. Businessmen in suits sit down under a cherry tree to have a picnic lunch. As the cherry season is just two weeks, it represents life and death. With one of the highest suicide rates in the world, the Japanese are often overworked and misunderstood. Cultural restrictions in the workplace, and in society hold them back, and keep emotions at bay. In a society that is so organized it’s wrong to stand out or speak up.

The most respectful society on the planet, the cleanest country you have seen, and different then anywhere else out there. To be lost in Japan is the most amazing opportunity to find yourself.

Arigato & Kanpai!

Phillip Silverstein


The World Is Yours •

The World Is Yours •